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USED Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Tube Amp Head

USED Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Tube Amp Head

Regular price $1,499.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $1,499.00 CAD
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USED Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier 150w Tube Amp Head. Overall clean - no dings or tears in the tolex. Front logo plate is slightly crooked, but appears to be well secured. Amp is incredibly loud and all channels work, free from additional noise.

It’s been over twenty years, two generations of guitarists and several musical trend-cycles since the Dual Rectifier® first unleashed its crushing wall of gain on radio. The Triple Rectifier® takes the world famous platform to a new level of power dominance.

A decade ago both of our famous Recto®’s underwent a massive facelift that greatly expanded their versatility, moving from 2 Channel amps aimed squarely at high gain only – to 3 Channel amps capable of roaming any style confidently. Still delivering the widest, deepest footprint in heavy music, both the Recto®’s now serve a long list of chart topping devotees both in and outside the world of heavy.

MESA/Boogie®’s contribution to modern heavy rock and metal cannot be denied. On the lower end of gain, in both Channels 2 and 3, RAW mode offers an excellent classic-rock style sound. A smooth progressive transition away from the higher end of RAW, VINTAGE takes over offering a fluid tonal transition headed straight toward metal mayhem. Channel 3 delivers a wish list of what heavy aficionados might expect from the original engineers of cascading gain. Switching from VINTAGE to MODERN, fuels an inferno with increased low end, a boost in the high Mids and an aggressive bite unlike any other.

The SOLO and OUTPUT knobs on the Triple Rectifier are only active when the FX Loop is engaged. The SOLO knob adds extra boost for lead work, and it can be activated anytime quickly via the SOLO button on the footswitch. The OUTPUT knob controls the overall amp volume, and it’s ready for action after you have balanced every channel’s GAIN and MASTER volumes to meet your taste.

Completely Bypass-able Fully Buffered FX Loop with Send Level Control
Completely Bypassable Fully Buffered FX Loop with Send Level Control


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