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FU-Tone Trem Stopper Brass

FU-Tone Trem Stopper Brass

Regular price $39.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $39.99 CAD
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Set your bridge to “dive only” mode for a more stable tuning environment, do double-stop bends, rest your hand on the tremolo AND increase sustain with the FU-Tone Brass Tremolo Stopper! Use What The PROS Use! It plays a huge part in the overall tone of your guitar.

The tremolo stopper is not just an efficient way to block your bridge from floating. It plays a huge part in the overall tone of your guitar. As the string vibrates through saddles, base plate, and block – you now have a direct contact point to the block that goes straight to the body adding additional resonance. It is just another link in your “chain of tone”. The brass Tremolo Stopper adds another level of warmth and sustain in addition to stabilizing your bridge.


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